1. Quality: Certified professional photographers have been rigorously trained and certified to produce high quality images. They understand the importance of capturing each moment with the utmost skill and accuracy.
2. Experience: Certified professional photographers have the necessary experience to create stunning images. They have the knowledge and expertise needed to capture the right moment and to capture it in the best possible way.
3. Professionalism: Certified professional photographers have a level of professionalism that sets them apart from amateur photographers. They understand the needs of their clients and will go the extra mile to provide them with the results they desire.
4. Flexibility: Certified professional photographers are flexible and can accommodate any specific need that their clients may have. They understand the importance of adapting to different situations and can provide custom solutions and services to ensure that the client is satisfied with the results.
5. Reputation: Certified professional photographers have a reputation for their excellent work and service. They are well respected by their peers and clients and are considered to be among the top tier of photographers.
Not all photographers are Certified Professional Photographers. What does it take to get the certification? First you declare your candidacy through Professional Photographers of America, then you take an extensive exam that includes learning the rules of photography (includes lighting, composition, and more) Once you pass the test you submit images to prove that you understand all of the aspects of a professional image. Once you are certified, the next step is to re-certify every 3 years.
I personally feel that having my certification helps my clients feel confident that they are hiring a true professional.